The Kebun was started as a plan for a retirement home in Sarawak, East Malaysia. Adrian’s Bungalow was put up after being disassembled from the movie set of The Sleeping Dictionery. Olivia’s was only put up only two years later when it was taken out of storage, also disassembled from the same movie set.

Sandwiched between the Kubah National Park and Sungai Rayu and very near to the Matang Wildlife Center, it is fully fenced in with running water and electricity both of which were installed only 4 years ago. Prior to that the farm depended on stored rain water and a generating set.

The first goat shack house was built after being advised discovering that the stupid and idiotic idea of using goats to keep the grass short ended up with them having a good feed wrecking havoc on all the ornamental plants and flowers. That was the start of the love affair with goats 8 years ago. Today there are 4 blocks and 3 paddocks divided and run a flock of assorted breeds.

Today the farm has started to help with foundation stock for fellow farmers and also help import breeding stock from Australia of which also include sheep. New farmers sometimes drop in to the farm for free advice and coffee help in general as our management experience is quite extensive although mostly learned through the painful way trial and error. Many of them have also secured their starter breeding stock mostly derived from our farm born kids.


We enjoy our Goats including the whole gang of Geese, Ducks, Chickens, Turkeys, Dogs, Cats and all. Holding a full time job 5 days a week and traveling extensively has not given us the time we want for the farm which is managed with the forced hard labour help of slaves live-in farmhands.

The Kebun is safe and quiet yet has all the modern amenities required for international traveler. We sit on 10 acres of mature fruit trees and looking forward to each fruit season is too a joy as with enjoying the wildlife that come visit day and night helping themself’s to share the fruit, which is also home to wild mouse deers, flying squirrels, and a marvelous variety of birds surrounded by secondary jungle and is a tranquil place to enjoy all the activities on offer or just relax by the fish ponds, stream or rivers and soak in the rural atmosphere.

We have 2 Bungalows with a planned Bunk House and coming Safari Tent accommodation, being simple dwellings for a real tropical adventure, a really unique place for the overseas traveler the authentic Sarawak working farm experience.

The Kebun is not just accommodation, it is an experience. If you would like to get back to the basics of life in a beautiful setting, which is fresh gardens of organic vegetables, picking your own tropical fruits, dining on fresh farm raised chickens, fishing for your own freshwater fish & simple accommodation, with little impact to the environment, and to help out with feeding all of the animals at the end of the day’s activities and again in the morning, then your are up for a unique adventure at The Kebun.

Expect a generous and genuine welcome from either one of the owners, Olivia & Adrian. As experienced world travelers we know what you want and our aim is to make sure your stay is memorable and fun! Your comfort is our concern and we will do our best to keep you happy.

We look forward to welcoming you to The Kebun!

Email the farmer me thekebun@gmail.com

11 Responses to “ABOUT THE KEBUN”

  1. Carol Elkins Says:

    I was drawn to your site by our shared love for Barbados Blackbelly sheep. Then I poked around a bit more and became intrigued by your lifestyle.

    I lived in Malawi and Kenya for many years and returned to Colorado in the 1980s. I’m beginning to cast a wandering eye to somewhere to settle into my retirement years. I was curious as to how you earn a living in Sarawak and whether there is land available for expatriate purchase/lease. I would have many more questions depending on your response to these two.

    If you have a moment, I’d like to correspond with you.

    Warm regards,

    Carol Elkins

  2. abdul mutalib busran Says:

    hi there!..i am new to goat breeeder’s world…i need help, consultation and many more regarding goat breeding.
    in fact, i am just starting my documentation only… no field work yet..
    so.. i guess if anybody out there who could teach me the right path i would be very honored and thankful. for your info, i am going to open a farm at sibu.to be exact around stabau,salim.

  3. thekebun Says:

    Hello Abdul.

    Thanks for stopping by. We will be more than happy to give you as much help as possible. if you have the time please look through the weblog here and you will find that there will be a lot already to help you to get ‘prepared’ with.

    If you still need more information please email me at thekebun@yahoo.com and i will be more than happy to provide you with a reply.

    Wishing you all the best!

    The Kebun

  4. mala Says:

    do you have address so that i can go to your farm……

  5. dkan14 Says:

    HI, Your blog is very interesting and informative as well. I myself is into farming in Kulim, Kedah and just started 7 months ago. Learnt a lot from reading your blog. Thanks. Farmer Dan

  6. thekebun Says:

    Hello there fellow Farmer Dan,

    many thanks for the kind words. It would be fantastic if you could point us all to any weblog that you might have? You just having started will be an advantage over many of us that made many mistakes along the way. I hope to visit you one day!

    Kind Regards, Farmer Adrian

  7. thekebun Says:

    Sure Mala, the address is

    22 Kampung Rayu Melayu,
    Jalan Kubah Matang

    Its about an hour’s drive. Come after 5 when we are more settled down usually.

  8. en_me Says:

    hmmm.. salammms singgah tukang kebun..

  9. wannabefarmer Says:

    really great informative blog!! so i glad i found it.

    i too first started thinking of having goats cos it seemed a waste to keep having to pay someone to keep the grass short.

    i don’t want them grazing directly around the house though as our veggie patch and flowers etc would be missed!

    our land already has wire linked fence around the periphery (some parts in need of repair), but i was wondering…do you think a bamboo fence would be strong enough for making separate paddocks?

  10. thekebun Says:

    Hello wannabefarmer,

    The bamboo fence will only hold up if the posts are buried deep enough, this said the post’s should be timber. But if these goats are keen enough i don’t think the fence will last if they really want to make a break for it. Bamboo too will not last long if there is a termite problem and if the earth is water logged they too will rot away. Have you thought instead of just using some fine wire across and electrifying it?

    Regards, Farmer Adrian

  11. Henrick Says:

    Hi, great blog! So much valuable information! I’d love to visit your Kebun one day. For your info, I’ve recently started a business on yellow corn for animal feed – planting, processing, trading – around Kuching. Incidently, one of my corn plantations is also at Kpg Rayu at Matang. Later, after we’ve harvested the corn, we could dry and chop up the corn stalks for animal feed also. Please let me know if you are interested in anything corn-related. Cheers!

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